9.2 Word order in questions
1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
0 A Why are you / you are/ late?
B Sorry – I had to finish something before I left home.
1 A You have finished / Have you finished your homework yet?
B Not yet – I’m just doing it now.
2 A What were you doing / you were doing when Dad got home?
B Watching TV – my favourite programme.
3 A Where are you going / you are going on holiday?
B We’re off to Hong Kong next month. It’ll be great!
4 A What happens / does happen if you don’t do your homework?
B My teacher isn’t very happy with me!
5 A Why did you / didn’t you call me last night?
B I was really busy and I forgot – sorry!
6 A Does your brother play / Your brother does play football?
B Yes – every Saturday morning.
7 A Have you ever been / You have ever been swimming in the lake?
B No, I’ve never tried – the water’s too cold!
8 A Who did you invite / invited you to the party?
B Sam did. It was his birthday.

2 Write questions using the verbs in brackets.
0 Where did you go (you / go) last night?
1 _________________ (study) English since primary school?
2 _________________ (Sarah / listen) to music when you got to her house?
3 _________________ (you / ever / try) skateboarding?
4 Where _________________ (go) on your family trip next week?
5 _________________ (your dad / work) every weekend?
6 Who _________________ (you / go) to the beach with last Saturday?
7 Why _________________ (you / not come) to school yesterday? Were you sick?


Ответ дал: olenka14092006


have you finished your homework yet

what were you doing

are you going

does happen

didn't you call me

Does your brother play

Have you ever been

why did you invite

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