Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word(s) in brackets and an infinitive or -ing form. Use between two and four words.

1) My mum said she would pick up my friends and me after the party. (AGREED) My mum my friends and me after the party.

2) I'm not in the mood to cook dinner this evening. (FEEL LIKE) I don't dinner this evening.

3) It usually takes me an hour to do my homework. (SPEND) I usually my homework.

4) I won't tell anyone your secret. You can trust me. (PROMISE) I anyone your secret. You can trust me.

5) Do you want to play squash with me tomorrow? (FANCY) Do you squash with me tomorrow?

6) Do you think your son broke the window on purpose? (MEANT) Do think the wi

7) You should put on a coat if you're going outside. (SUGGEST) I a coat if you're going outside.

8) She lied and said she was eighteen so she could get into the nightclub. (PRETENDED) She eighteen, so that she could get into the nightclub.​


Ответ дал: Duster293

1) My mum **agreed to pick up** my friends and me after the party.

2) I don't **feel like cooking** dinner this evening.

3) I usually **spend an hour doing** my homework.

4) I **promise not to tell anyone** your secret. You can trust me.

5) Do you **fancy playing** squash with me tomorrow?

6) Do you think your son **meant to break** the window on purpose?

7) I **suggest putting on** a coat if you're going outside.

8) She **pretended to be** eighteen so she could get into the nightclub.

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