9 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of be or have got. 10 Harry Luke Harry Luke Harry Luke Harry 4 1.19 (¹)... you... (have got) a pet? Yes, I... (have got) a chihuahua. What is that? 3)... (be) it a cat? No, it (4)... (not be). It's a dog. It (5)... (be) very small. We (... (not have got) a pet. I want a chameleon. A chameleon. Why? They ... (have got) nice colours. Listen and check your answers. Grammary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grammar Reference Unit 2​


Ответ дал: zlata070712


Have you got a pet? Yes, I got a chihuahua. What is that? Is it a cat? No, it isn't. It's a dog. It is very small. We didn't get a pet. I want a chameleon. A chameleon. Why? They've got nice colours.

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