англіська поможіть бігом​



Ответ дал: avsvhgn


2. I'm fed up with living in the city - it's too dirty and crowded.

3. I enjoy watching.

4. I have decided to stop smoking in the garden at weekends.

5. He's an artistic person - very good at poetry.

6. They don't like to walk and go everywhere by car.

7. I'm not really interested in studying.

8. She's going to continue studying until her exams.

9. They're thinking of moving.

10. That machine? Oh, it's used for making sandwiches.

11. They've given up meat.

12. Before becoming a teacher, he worked in advertising.

13. Looking after children can be very tiring.

14. We're looking forward to seeing you.

15. They hate getting up early in the morning.

16. Thank you for helping me organize the party.

17. They're very keen on going out.

18. We love eating.

19. She left without saying goodbye.

20. Watching television seems to be our national sport.

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