2 * Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets.
1 In the 1980s, most teenagers used to talk
(talk) for hours on
the home phone.
2 When you were younger,
(have) long hair?
3 Every month, she
(spend) all her pocket money, but now she saves some.
When my granddad went to concerts in the 1960s, people
on the floor!
5 Fifty years ago, young people (not listen) to music
on the Internet.
6 I think my uncle a New Romantic!
7 Did your parents
pop music when they were teenagers?
8 When I was little, my mum
I hated them!
(buy) all my clothes.



Ответ дал: Kashevar142

2. When you were younger did use to have long hair?

3. Every month,she used to spend all her pocket money, but now she saves some.

4. When my granddad went to concerts in the 1960s, people used to sit on the floor!

5. Fifty years ago, young people didn't use to listen to music on the internet.

6. I think my uncle used to be a New Pomantic!

7. Did your parents use to like pop music when they were teenagers?

8. When I was little,my mum used to buy all my clothes. I hated them!

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almas201028: Спс
Kashevar142: Пожалуйста)
kd1483129: худший ответ мне поставили 3 бала
Kashevar142: наверное не то задание у тебя было,но мне за него 5 влепили
kd1483129: нам его в пятницу еще задали и сегодня проверили
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