3 Complete the sentences with the cooking verbs from Exercises 1 and 2.

1. You can ¹mix strawberries and yoghurt for a nice snack.

2. Some people always ²_______ chicken and potatoes in the oven on Sundays.

3. You can ³_______ eggs in butter for a hot breakfast.

4.You can eat carrots in salad or ⁴________ them in water for a hot meal.

5. It's fun to learn with Mum how to ⁵________ biscuits in the oven.

6.You have to ⁶________ eggs first to make an omelette.​


Ответ дал: wellxush


3 eat 4 heat up

5 cook 6 smash


потому что у меня ielts 5,5

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