How do you feel about computers and information technology? Complete some of these sentences.
1. For me, the best/ worst thing about computers is
2. I like / prefer not to use a computer when 3. The best/worst thing about mobile phones is
4. I think that buying things on the Internet is a good/bad idea because
5. I think that learning how to use information technology is/is not important because​


Ответ дал: hezjejsjjd
1) the worst thing about computers is blurred vision, poor posture, addiction 2) I prefer not to use the computer when it is not connected to the Internet 3) the best thing about mobile phones is the development of intelligence and logic, you can make friends on the Internet, watch videos 4) I think that buying things on the Internet is a good idea, because you can find everything on the Internet, but in this city you cannot find something similar and cheap 5) I think that learning to use information technologies is important because they make our lives easier and provide new useful information
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