1. Ask and answer the questions:
What do you do every morning?
What do you do every weekend?
What day is the special one for you? Why?
Grammar: adverhs of frequency


Ответ дал: ajdoskyzyajdana0


1. I do morning exercises every morning.

2. I clean my house every weekend.

3. It’s a special day for me, it’s my birthday. Because they give me gifts on my birthday

Ответ дал: Kazhibekova
Sure, I can help you with those questions!

1. What do you do every morning?
- I wake up early every morning and have breakfast before starting my day.

2. What do you do every weekend?
- I usually spend time with my family and friends on the weekends. We might go for outings, watch movies, or just relax at home.

3. What day is the special one for you? Why?
- The special day for me is my birthday. It's important because it's a day when I celebrate another year of my life with loved ones, and it's a time for reflection and making new goals.
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