They are simply ingenious when it comes to computers. Very
few people can actually understand them when they talk about
the latest software or new gadgets, which is when they get
irritated! They are brilliant at science subjects, especially Maths
and Physics, and schoolwork in general is rarely a problem for
them. When it comes to clothes, they grab whatever is clean in
their room. They are not too picky about music either, but rock,
heavy metal or hip-hop are among their favourites. They mix
well with skaters, since skateboarding is often their favourite
pastime. Their favourite hang-outs are computer labs,
cybercafés or any other place with a computer nearby.
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Ответ дал: kathyblair654


It seems like the individuals being described are highly knowledgeable and skilled in the field of computers. They possess a deep understanding of the latest software and gadgets, which can sometimes make it challenging for others to comprehend their discussions. This might lead to feelings of irritation on their part. They excel in scientific subjects, particularly Mathematics and Physics, and have no trouble with their schoolwork in general.

In terms of personal style, they prioritize practicality over fashion, opting for whatever clean clothes they have in their room. Their taste in music is not too selective, with rock, heavy metal, and hip-hop being among their favorites. They tend to get along well with skaters, as they share a common interest in skateboarding, which is often their preferred leisure activity. They enjoy spending time in places like computer labs, cybercafés, or anywhere they can access a computer.

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