Use either as... as or not as... as in the sentences below.
1. This book is ............ that book. (not/exciting)

2. Apples are............pears. (delicious)

3. She is............her mother. (not/famous)

4. Kelly is ..........her sister. (not/generous)

5. Richard is........Daniel. (tall)

6. This task is........the one before. (not/difficult)

7. I am you are. (hungry)​


Ответ дал: olenkamalyshko2
1. This book is not as exciting as that book

2. Apples are as delicious as pears

3. She is not as famous as her mother

4. Kelly is not as generous as her sister

5. Richard is as tall as Daniel

6. This task is not as difficult as the one before

7. I am as hungry as you are
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