3 WRITING Read the email from John. Answer John's eight questions. Write 40-60 words. Write full sentences. From: John Hello! We've got to practise public speaking at school. I'm going to talk about looking after wild animals so I'm collecting information. Can you answer these eight questions please? Thanks! Are you and your friends interested in wild animals? Have you ever visited a zoo? If yes, did you enjoy it? If no, why not? What's your favourite wild animal? Why do you like this animal? Where does it live? What does it eat? Would you like to work with wild animals one day? To: From: John 4 GRAMMAR Match the sentence halves. Write the letters. 1 I am quite lazy 2 While I was walking home, 3 Mum wasn't feeling very well 4 My family is going to move 5 I'm teaching my sister 6 When my best friend talks to my parents 7 Our teacher was explaining the grammar very carefully X X a to a new apartment next month. b she always tries to be polite. c so my bedroom never looks tidy. d to make sure we understood it. e to play the piano at the moment. f so I made dinner yesterday. g my brothers drove past me.​


Ответ дал: tenanatoly40

From: John

Hello! We've got to practice public speaking at school. I'm going to talk about looking after wild animals, so I'm collecting information. Can you answer these eight questions, please? Thanks!

Are you and your friends interested in wild animals?

Yes, my friends and I are interested in wild animals.

Have you ever visited a zoo?

Yes, I have visited a zoo.

If yes, did you enjoy it?

Yes, I enjoyed my visit to the zoo.

What's your favorite wild animal?

My favorite wild animal is the cheetah.

Why do you like this animal?

I like cheetahs because of their incredible speed and elegance.

Where does it live?

Cheetahs primarily inhabit the grasslands and savannas of Africa.

What does it eat?

Cheetahs primarily eat small to medium-sized ungulates like gazelles and impalas.

Would you like to work with wild animals one day?

Yes, I would love to work with wild animals in the future.

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