Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word you do not need. floating paddle shore splash surface waves 1 I like going to the beach, but I never swim far from the 2 Be careful! The water looks deep, but there are rocks just below the 3 I'm going kayaking at the weekend. I'm going to 4 Yuck! There's a dead frog 5 I love the sea and I like watching the across the lake. in the swimming pool. when the weather is stormy.​


Ответ дал: anastasiamotasova6
Here are the completed sentences with the words:

1. I like going to the beach, but I never swim far from the shore.
2. Be careful! The water looks deep, but there are rocks just below the surface.
3. I'm going kayaking at the weekend. I'm going to paddle when the weather is stormy.
4. Yuck! There's a dead frog floating.
5. I love the sea, and I like watching the waves in the swimming pool.
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