4. Complete the sentences with the verbs: spend a) I b) We c) You d) They help Example: a) I help my parents every day after school. my parents every day after school. a school uniform every day. your homework after school. time with their friends at weekends. do wear​


Ответ дал: s8491775



a) I spend a school uniform every day.

b) We spend time with their friends at weekends.

c) You spend do your homework after school.

d) They spend time with their friends at weekends.

zhaksymbetkamila08: с)
aakenov26: 8===D
Ответ дал: thewalkinddead
a) I wear a school uniform every day.
b) We do our homework after school.
c) You spend time with your friends on weekends.
d) They help others.
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