Английский 7кл помогите составить предложения пж(​



Ответ дал: lemonlimee09
2) Jane is bad at drawing pictures, but she still likes art lessons.

3) Nina is great at reciting poems. That’s why she signed up to world literature classes.

4) Rita got the best grade in physical education, because she is really good at playing ball games like volleyball.

5) Tim was doing equations in mathematics at school today.

6) Brian just started learning English, so he is having trouble reading and writing English.

7) Olha doesn’t like cooking during her free time, instead she makes handicrafts.

8) Roman is the best at remembering dates, that is why he is very good at history.

9) Jim needed help with operating his computer during computer science last week.

10) Andrew has a geography test in two days, but he is bad at remembering world capitals.
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