(2) Read the sentences. The words in bold are used in the video. First guess the meaning of the words. Then match the words (1-6) to their definitions (a-f). I lost my balance and fell backwards. He sustained an injury during a football match. To run a mile, you need to run four circuits of track. He has coached the team for five years. 5 We were shocked when we heard about his quirky hobby. When you enter a roundabout, give way to any traffic on it. 20 TIME TO WATCH 8 b unusual in an interesting way a circular path or road for running a place where two or more roads meet, forming a circle that all traffic goes around in the same direction to experience physical harm to train somebody to play sport better towards a place or position that is behind​


Ответ дал: likiddo


1 f . 2 i . 3 b . 4 e . 5 a . 6 c .

Ответ дал: 156515


1-f 2-d 3-b  4-e 5-a 6-c


Backwards-in the direction opposite to the usual way

Injury- harm or damage done to a person or thing

Track- a circular path or road for running unique

Coach- someone who teaches people to improve at a sport. skill

Quirky- unusual in an attractive or interesting way

Roundabout- a circular area where three or more roads meet and traffic must go around a circular roads in the middle

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