Stubborn, punctual, independent, reserved, unpredictable,
patient, irresponsible, flexible, shy, rebellious
1) It was very of the babysitter to sit inside watching TV while
the children were outside playing in the swimming pool.
2) You never know what Pete is going to do. He is totally
3) Susan, like most teenagers her age, is very
doesn't listen to anybody and it is very hard to make her obey
4) Ted is
talk about his problems.
He doesn't show his emotions or
5) Young people today must be if they want to get a good job. They
need to be able to adapt to new situations.
6) When Mark turned twenty-one, he got a good job and became
to talk to anyone at the party so
which is my biggest
7) He was too
he left early and went home.
8) I am not particularly.
flaw. I find it really hard to get anywhere on time.
9) It's difficult to be
when you are stuck in
10) Meg is as
she's wrong, she refuses to change her mind.
as a mule: although she knows



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