Fill in the blanks with the word Scanner Virus laptops hard disc database app microchip ● Cursor word graphics 1. I've lost a lot of data. I wonder if my computer has a 2. I've got such a lot of photos, music and videos stored on my computer that my is almost full. 3. It's miraculous how much data can be stored on that tiny little Computer inside a mobile phone. 4. One of my most important tasks at work is to keep the up to date so I that Custormers' details are always accurate. помогите пожалуйста!!!!​


Ответ дал: SenpaiFantik


hard disc



Here are the complete sentences:

I've lost a lot of data. I wonder if my computer has a virus.

I've got such a lot of photos, music and videos stored on my computer that my hard disc is almost full.

It's miraculous how much data can be stored on that tiny little microchip inside a mobile phone.

One of my most important tasks at work is to keep the database up to date so that customers' details are always accurate.

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