8 What is 's in the following sentences? Write is,
has, us or P (for possession) in the spaces below.
Hi Max,
There's a good film on at the cinema. 'It's a fantasy
adventure called The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
The main character's a hobbit named Bilbo. Together with
his friends, the dwarfs, he's been through many adventures.
The "dwarfs' leader's called Thorin. 'Bilbo's helping the
dwarfs to get to the Lonely Mountain, because 'Thorin's
dynasty's in danger.
"There's also a dragon called Smaug 10who's killed a lot of
dwarfs and now guards the "dwarfs' gold. Later, the dwarfs,
the men and the elves fight ¹2Mordor's army.
13 It's a gripping film. "It's got fantastic special effects!
15Let's go and watch it!
0 is 1
2 3_4_5_6_7_____8
12 13



Ответ дал: MIN93SUGA


  1. is
  2. is
  3. has
  4. P
  5. is
  6. is
  7. P
  8. is
  9. is
  10. has
  11. P
  12. P
  13. is
  14. has
  15. us (?)

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