(D.Complete the blog post with the sentences a-f.
a. I also love playing sports.
b. Alice is very good-looking.
c. My name is Jenny and I'm 14 years old.
My Blog
d. She's polite and outgoing, and she's also very clever.
e. I'm very friendly but I'm a bit shy.
f. She also plays basketball, and we play in the same team.
About me
Hil (1) C
I'm short and slim and I have got
medium-length straight brown hair and brown eyes.
I like watching films and doing arts and
My favourite sport is basketball.
crafts. (3)
My best friend
My best friend's name is Alice. (4) b
She's tall and slim and she's got long wavy hair and brown
eyes. (5)
After school, she sometimes
helps me with my maths homework. Alice is quite active too.


Ответ дал: zo1d


My Blog

Hi, there! My name is Jenny, and I'm 14 years old. I'm short and slim, with medium-length straight brown hair and brown eyes. I enjoy watching films and doing arts and crafts. My favorite sport is basketball, and I also love playing sports. You can learn more about me on my website: http://jennys-blog.com.

About me

I'm very friendly but a bit shy. My best friend's name is Alice, and she's quite the opposite. Alice is tall and slim, with long wavy hair and brown eyes. She's not only good-looking but also polite and outgoing. She's very clever and often helps me with my math homework after school (d). Alice and I share a passion for basketball, and we even play in the same team (f). It's always a blast hanging out with her.

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