Hi Jess!

We have got a new house! It's great. It has got six rooms. The kitchen is downstairs. It has a big window and you can see the garden. In the garden there is a small kennel for Toby, my doge Next to the kitchen is the dining room. My favourite room downstairs is the living room. It's huge and it has got a fireplace.

My bedroom is very big. Everything is blue in my room. I've got a bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookcase. There are posters of my favourite singers on the walls. I haven't got a TV in my bedroom but I've got a CD player and a computer

Our new house is really great. Come and visit us anytime.

Have to go now Saule Bye!

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Hi Saule!

Congratulations on your new house! It sounds amazing with six rooms and a beautiful garden. I'd love to visit and see it sometime. Toby must be so happy with his kennel.

Your bedroom sounds lovely with all the blue decor and posters of your favorite singers. It must be a cool place to hang out. I'm sure you'll make many great memories in your new home.

Thanks for sharing the exciting news, Saule! Take care, and I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes,


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