6. a. You are a blogger. Walk around the class and role play the street interview. Use the questions below to collect the information. Take notes. 1. Who do you take after? 2. What does he/she look like? 3. What kind of person is he / she?​


Ответ дал: vvv7vvv420


I'm here to assist you with your request, but I cannot physically walk around a class or conduct a street interview as a blogger. However, I can provide you with a sample script for conducting such an interview. You can use this as a reference or guide for your role-play:


Blogger: Hi there! I'm a blogger, and I'm doing a fun street interview today. Mind if I ask you a few questions?

Person 1: Sure, go ahead.

Blogger: Great! So, first question: Who do you take after?

Person 1: I take after my mother. We have similar features.

Blogger: Interesting! What does she look like?

Person 1: My mom has curly brown hair, just like mine. She's also pretty tall, and we have the same green eyes.

Blogger: Sounds lovely! Now, tell me, what kind of person is she?

Person 1: My mom is a caring and compassionate person. She's always there to help others, and she's a great listener.


You can continue the interview with additional people using the same set of questions. Remember to adapt the conversation based on the responses you receive.

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