23. Complete the text with the following sentences. A She has a wonderful character too. B My best friend is my cousin Jane. C All in all, Jane is a great person to be with. D Jane is 16 years old, and very pretty. My Best Friend We grew up together and we've been friends since then. (1) (2) She is tall and slim. She has got long blond hair and an oval face with green eyes and full lips. She always wears casual clothes that suit her perfectly. (3) Firstly, it's great fun to be with her. She has got a great sense of humour. She is always telling jokes and making everyone laugh. She is kind and generous. She loves giving presents or doing things to help people. The only thing about her which I don't like is that she can be bossy at times. (4) We spend nearly all our time together and enjoy its every minute.
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Ответ дал: allyasyaaalya


Here's the text with the sentences correctly matched to the corresponding letters:

A She has a wonderful character too.

B My best friend is my cousin Jane.

C All in all, Jane is a great person to be with.

D Jane is 16 years old, and very pretty.

My Best Friend

(1) B We grew up together and we've been friends since then.

(2) D She is tall and slim. She has got long blond hair and an oval face with green eyes and full lips. She always wears casual clothes that suit her perfectly.

(3) A Firstly, it's great fun to be with her. She has got a great sense of humour. She is always telling jokes and making everyone laugh. She is kind and generous. She loves giving presents or doing things to help people. The only thing about her which I don't like is that she can be bossy at times.

(4) C We spend nearly all our time together and enjoy its every minute.

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