Срочно помогите пожалуйста! Даю 50 баллов;(

Fill in should/shouldn't, must/mustn't, have to/don't have to.

1 You... be in time for all your lessons!

2 We... take our sports clothes - there's no PE today.

3 Bill can't do this task - you ... help him.

4 Molly... go to school by bike - it's raining. 5 I... do my homework before I meet with my friends.

6 The students ... be dirty and untidy at school.

Огромное спасибо заранее!!!!


Ответ дал: abobaabobaaboba787

You must be in time for all your lessons!

We don't have to take our sports clothes - there's no PE today.

Bill can't do this task - you have to help him.

Molly shouldn't go to school by bike - it's raining.

I must do my homework before I meet with my friends.

The students mustn't be dirty and untidy at school.

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