3. Choose the correct tense.
1. We were painting deck/painted deck when the storm started/was starting.
2. What were you doing/ did you do when you heard/was hearing fire alarm?
3. Who was keeping/kept the watch when Tom was falling/fell overboard?
4. I waited/was waiting for Captain's orders when vessel in front of us ran aground/was
running aground.
5. Our vessel was dropping anchor/dropped anchor when tug approached/was approaching us.
6. I called you/was calling you at 10 o'clock yesterday. What did you do/were you doing?
7. M.V."Baltic" headed/was heading to port when engine was stopping/stopped.
8. I checked/was checking equipment from 5 to 10 yesterday.



Ответ дал: meirbekrustembek75


Here are the corrected sentences:

1. We were painting the deck when the storm started.

2. What were you doing when you heard the fire alarm?

3. Who was keeping watch when Tom fell overboard?

4. I was waiting for the Captain's orders when the vessel in front of us ran aground.

5. Our vessel dropped anchor when the tug was approaching us.

6. I called you at 10 o'clock yesterday. What were you doing?

7. M.V. "Baltic" was heading to port when the engine stopped.

8. I checked equipment from 5 to 10 yesterday.

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