Describe your diet. What do you eat that's good/not good for you? 2 What did you eat for lunch at school yesterday? Was it healthy? ​


Ответ дал: nastya9776


My diet is actually mixed. Of the useful things, I like to eat fruits the most, namely: bananas and apples, as well as vegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers, especially in a salad. For breakfast I eat oatmeal, for lunch the first and second - mashed potatoes and cutlets, and soup,for dinner, I have cottage cheese and yogurt as a snack. I do not forget to include meat in my diet, because these are the same proteins, very useful for health.

Yesterday at school for lunch I ate pasta with sausage and borscht. I think it is quite useful and productive for half a day. To be fullWhen you are full and not hungry, your brain and nervous system work better, and you have the strength to study.

nastya9776: To be full* там лишнее,после day точка и When
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