A. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in the boxes. not buy have go travel visit A: I 1 in Australia. do on 2. A: So, what 1. A: John_ holiday in Paris? B: Yeah, he a great time. abroad, too. my grandparents go explore sunbathe _you in Spain? B: Lots of things. We sightseeing and we on the beach. We even a cave. Unfortunately, we any souvenirs. stay 3. A: How B: We be not go A: Why not? B: Well, we taxi but we one, so home. we not can try Eric's party? to find a find at​


Ответ дал: gguketosl


A: I went on holiday to Australia. What did you do on your holiday?

B: I travelled to Spain with my grandparents.

A: How was it?

B: It was great! We went sightseeing and sunbathed on the beach. We even explored a cave. Unfortunately, we didn't buy any souvenirs.

A: Why not?

B: Well, we took a taxi to go shopping, but we couldn't find any souvenirs that we liked. So, we went home.

A: That's a shame. Did you go to Eric's party?

B: No, we didn't have time.

1. went

2. Did you do

3. stayed

4. not go

5. find

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