c Make questions using the words in brackets and verbs from the list. do earn like live play speak wear work 1 Do you like your job? (you) 2 Does he work long hours? (he) 3 4 5 6 7 8 (you) country? (people) tennis after work? (he) in a flat? (your parents) housework at weekends? a uniform? (Miriam) good English in your a lot of money? (they)​


Ответ дал: boberchik2811
Do you like your job? (you)
Does he work long hours? (he)
Do you like your country? (you)
Does he play tennis after work? (he)
Do your parents live in a flat? (your parents)
Does Miriam do housework at weekends? (Miriam)
Does Miriam wear a uniform? (Miriam)
Do they earn a lot of money? (they)
Ответ дал: oleggavr1990
Do you like your job? (you
Does he work long hours? (he)
Do you like your country? (you)
Does he play tennis after work? (he)
Do your parents live in a flat? (your parents)
Does Miriam do housework at weekends?
Does Miriam wear a uniform? (Miriam)
Do they earn a lot of money? (they)
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