Помогите пожалуйста!
a Underline the best verb form. a 'Have you decided yet?' 'Yes, I'll have / I have the roast beef, please.'
b Q: How will I have known / will I know that I have won a prize? A: You are receiving / will receive an email giving full details.
c Quick get out of the car! It's going to burst / It's bursting into flames at any minute!
d Don't come round before midday, because I'll be cleaning / I clean the house until then.
e Sorry I can't come on Thursday evening. I'm going to work / I'm working late on an important project. of The cost of construction is almost certainly rising / will almost certainly rise before the end of the year as wage increases begin to take effect. f The conference is going to begin / begins next Friday morning at 9.00.
g Here's the money you asked for - €1000. What will you / are you going to do with it?
i Why don't you give Helen this cheap perfume instead of the expensive one! She won't have known / won't know the difference!
j I just want to remind everyone that we'll be holding / we hold a Latin-American evening at the town hall this Friday.​


Ответ дал: sgrxcain

a. I'll have

b. will I know, will receive

c. It's going to burst

d. I'll be cleaning

e. I'm working

f. is going to begin

g. will you do

i. won't know

j. we'll be holding

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