1.Present Perfect or Past Simple?
1. Henry arrived /has arrived late at school on the first day of the term.
2. Did you hear /Have you heard the new song of Madonna?
3. What time did you get up/have you got up this morning?
4. We went /have gone on holiday to Odessa two years ago.
5. What have you done/ did you do yesterday after school?
6. I lost/have lost my calculator. Did you see/ Have you seen it?
2.Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Example: Where's Paul? -He is in his room. He is doing (do) his homework.
1. What time..............................you../start) your school day?
2. Where............ .................) to the Internet Club. ...........you / go) after classes today? - I.
3. How often ....................... sister / play) tennis? - she............(play) tennis twice a week.
4. Dad is very busy. He......... ..(work) very hard these days.
3. Answer the questions (write 2-3 sentences) Which family traditions do you have? And do you think they are important?​


Ответ дал: SuperAkuLa
1. Henry arrived (Past Simple) late at school on the first day of the term.

2. Have you heard (Present Perfect) the new song of Madonna?

3. What time did you get up (Past Simple) this morning?

4. We went (Past Simple) on holiday to Odessa two years ago.

5. What did you do (Past Simple) yesterday after school?

6. I have lost (Present Perfect) my calculator. Have you seen (Present Perfect) it?

1. What time do you start your school day?

2. Where are you going to the Internet Club. Are you going after classes today? - I am.

3. How often does your sister play tennis? - She plays tennis twice a week.

4. Dad is very busy. He is working very hard these days.
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