31. Are you the boy whose dog (make) a terrible noise at night? – I’m sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never (own) a dog.
32. What (happen) there? – The dog (bite) the boy when he entered the garden.
33. You (know) each other before? – Yes. We first (meet) 3 years ago.
34. He (take) off his pullover, (lie) down on the sofa and (start) to read a magazine.
35. I don’t keep pets now but I (use) to keep a dog when I (be) a boy.
36. I (iron) Jim’s shirts this morning and in the afternoon I (do) the shopping.
37. Why are you limping? – I (twist) my ankle.
38. The plane (take) off from London at 9.00 and (land) in Geneva at 10.30.
39. Joanna (not/change); she is the same as ever.
40. When I (switch) on the dishwasher, the machine (make) a loud noise.
41. People always (want) to be able to fly like birds in the sky.
42. I once (play) a guitar which (have) only five strings.
43. I never (teach) a class where the students are so lazy.
44. I (lose) a button. I don’t suppose I’ll ever find it.
45. The slower you eat the more you will think you (eat).
46. You (be) already late for classes twice this week, Nick.
47. What a surprise! You’re the very person I (want) to see so much.
48. They say the police already (catch) both of the thieves.
49. When we (be) kids, we (love) the beach very much, so we (use) to spend all our holidays at the sea.
50. You (make up) your mind yet? What you (decide) to do?


Ответ дал: k34016436


31. Are you the boy whose dog made a terrible noise at night? – I’m sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never owned a dog.

32. What happened there? – The dog bit the boy when he entered the garden.

33. Did you know each other before? – Yes. We first met 3 years ago.

34. He took off his pullover, lay down on the sofa, and started to read a magazine.

35. I don’t keep pets now, but I used to keep a dog when I was a boy.

36. I ironed Jim’s shirts this morning, and in the afternoon, I did the shopping.

37. Why are you limping? – I twisted my ankle.

38. The plane took off from London at 9.00 and landed in Geneva at 10.30.

39. Joanna hasn't changed; she is the same as ever.

40. When I switched on the dishwasher, the machine made a loud noise.

41. People always want to be able to fly like birds in the sky.

42. I once played a guitar which had only five strings.

43. I never taught a class where the students are so lazy.

44. I lost a button. I don't suppose I'll ever find it.

45. The slower you eat, the more you will think you've eaten.

46. You have been already late for classes twice this week, Nick.

47. What a surprise! You're the very person I wanted to see so much.

48. They say the police have already caught both of the thieves.

49. When we were kids, we loved the beach very much, so we used to spend all our holidays at the sea.

50. Have you made up your mind yet? What have you decided to do?

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