Complete the sentences with the modals need to, cannot, might, should, and have to and the expressions in the box. accept it change continue to feed find a solution grow a lot more food If someone offers you because it symbolizes friendship. 1 you food you 2 If the world's population increases to 9.1 billion, we will 3 At the current rate of global population growth, we population with current farming methods. Some cultural traditions 4 5 Supporters of vertical farming want to make the idea a reality. as the world becomes more globalized. to the light source problem if they​


Ответ дал: boberchik2811
1. If someone offers you food, you might accept it because it symbolizes friendship.

2. If the world's population increases to 9.1 billion, we will need to grow a lot more food.

3. At the current rate of global population growth, we cannot feed the population with current farming methods.

4. Some cultural traditions should continue as the world becomes more globalized.

5. Supporters of vertical farming have to find a solution to the light source problem if they want to make the idea a reality.
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