2 a) Complete the sentences with used to or didn't use to. 1. I (not I have) so many friends. (be) much shorter. 2. I 3. I (be) shy and quiet around new people. (not/be) selfish, but now I care about 4. I myself. 5. I 6. I 7. I my lessons. 8.I Tiek (have) a bossy friend. (not I have) moustache. (be) more impatient, but I have learned (believe) everything I read on the Internet.​


Ответ дал: aleks031



1. I didn't use to have so many friends.

2I used to be much shorter.

3. I used to be shy and quiet around new people.

4. I didn't use to be selfish, but now I care about myself.

5 I didn't use to have a moustache.

6 I used to be more impatient, but I have learned not to believe everything I read on the Internet.

7 I used to complete my lessons.

8 I didn't use to have such a bossy friend.

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