Joanne first ................................. (think) about the Harry Potter story many years ago on a train. Joanne liked to go a coffee shop to write. After five years, Joanne writing the first Harry Potter book. She ................................. (send) it to many publishers. They all ................................. (say) that they didn't like it. Finally publisher ................................. (like) it, but the publisher said," This is a children's book. Adults won't read. You won't make a lot of money." J.K.Rowling was very happy. Her dream to publish her book came true. The book was famous all over the world. Now Harry Potter book is in forty-two languages. The publisher was wrong about one thing: Everyone loves Harry Potter — children and adults. Over 100 million books were sold in 1999.


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Joanne first **thought** about the Harry Potter story many years ago on a train. Joanne liked to go to a coffee shop to write. After five years, Joanne **wrote** the first Harry Potter book. She **sent** it to many publishers. They all **said** that they didn't like it. Finally, a publisher **liked** it, but the publisher said, "This is a children's book. Adults won't read it. You won't make a lot of money." J.K. Rowling was very happy. Her dream to publish her book came true. The book was famous all over the world. Now the Harry Potter book is in forty-two languages. The publisher was wrong about one thing: Everyone loves Harry Potter — children and adults. Over 100 million books were sold in 1999.

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