nj 4 1 2 3 6 Vocabulary *Fill in the sentences with the correct word related to computers. to her pen- She sent an e......... friend in Japan. The d......... ............... got stuck in the printer. ...... CDs on his Bob can b........ ........... computer. 4 My mum does all her shopping o.............. 5 The I...... is a great source of information. I was trying to d... ..... the file all morning. 7 He is the only one who knows his secret p... 8 I have a W........... ..... on my computer so I can see my cousin in Australia through the Internet. 9 Attach s................ to your computer if you want to listen to music through it. 0 It is important to have an a........... program to remove harmful software.​


Ответ дал: elkurilekh


1 e-mail; 2 document; 3 burn; 4 online; 5 internet; 6 delete; 7 password; 9 speakers; 10 anti-virus


8 сори не знаю

kushaevanarslu: 8 webcam
Akberqenovazanel2011: Точна
arinaganieva42: уря спасибо большон
budrina: спасибо , очен помог
agipa050: 8 window
bojecheltiche: 8 webcam
kushaevanarslu: window не подходиттттттттт, будет webcam
vissarionovgeorgij99: Ватсапп
hshsbsjzvzkjzgdnhx: ок
bayr05251970: 8 webcamera
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