Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1A: How often......yuor son/do)the washing-up?
B; Once a month but he.....(tidy)his room twice a week.
2. A: ........(the children/study)at the moment?
B: No.They....(sit) in their rooms.
3.A: ......(you/usually/have dinner at 8o'clock?
B: Yes,but l ........(have)dinner now because I'm very hungry.
4.We........ (often/not wach)film on TV,but we........(sometimes/go)tothe cinema.
5.Robert and Sally .......(not play)football in the


Ответ дал: smotriskaya2511
1a. How often does your son do the washing up ?
1b. Once a month but he tidies his room twice a week.
2a. Are the children studying at the moment ?
2b. No. They are sitting in their rooms.
3a. Don't you usually have dinner at 8 o'clock ?
3b. Yes, but I'm having dinner now because I'm hungry.
4.We often watch films on TV, but we sometimes go to the cinema
5.Не знаю
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