ve US 4 5 6 7 do much does a spider weigh? looks after sheep? heavy is a bear? 1 6 Work in groups. Choose one of the animals in exercise 1 and prepare a quiz about it. Use the questions below to help you. 1 What is the name of the animal? 2 How big/heavy / fast is it? Which animals are bigger /smaller / taller / faster than it? 3 Where does it live?​


Ответ дал: samkks064

Ответ:на пиши все правильно


1.Spider.2.smaller and fast.Taller animal- giraffe, biggest biggest -leo.Heavy-rhino.Fast-cheeth.Spider live in Australia  

zhansaya2333: Можно перевод?
l05026197: спасибо
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