Read the definition of building rapport. Discuss how you can build rapport with someone you meet for the first time. Building rapport is about developing a shared understanding with another person or group of people that facilitates and improves communication. B. Think of two examples of spoken and non-verbal (body language) techniques for building rapport with new colleagues or students in your class. Spoken: asking questions, Non-verbal: lean forward slightly (if sitting)


Ответ дал: kisukee482974


Building rapport with someone you meet for the first time is crucial for establishing a positive connection and fostering effective communication. Here are two examples of spoken and non-verbal techniques for building rapport with new colleagues or students in your class:

Spoken technique: Asking questions

Asking open-ended questions can show genuine interest in the other person and encourage them to share more about themselves. You can inquire about their background, interests, or opinions on certain topics. By actively listening to their responses and engaging in a conversation, you create a space for them to feel valued and understood.

Non-verbal technique: Lean forward slightly (if sitting)

Body language plays a significant role in building rapport. Leaning forward slightly when someone is speaking demonstrates attentiveness and interest in what they are saying. It shows that you are actively engaged in the conversation and signals that you are open to listening and understanding their perspective. This non-verbal cue can help create a sense of connection and establish rapport.

It's important to note that building rapport is a dynamic process and may vary depending on the individual and cultural context. It involves being authentic, respectful, and responsive to the other person's cues and preferences. By practicing active listening, showing empathy, and adapting to their communication style, you can build rapport effectively and create a strong foundation for future interactions.

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