помогите пожайлуста срочно надо! A. Complete with could or couldn't.
1. A.
you ride a bike when you were young?
B: Yes, 1
2. When I was ten years old.
draw very well but now I can.
3. Yesterday I wanted to go swimming but I 4. My sister ride a horse when she was seven years old but I
find my swimsuit
because I was afraid
B. Circle the correct words.
1. Where are my sunglasses? I can't / could find them.
2. A: Can/Could you play a musical instrument?
B: Yes, I can / could play the piano, but I can't / couldn't play any musical instrument five years ago
3. My brother can't/couldn't speak French two years ago, but now he can / could 4. We can't / couldn't go to the beach yesterday because there was something wrong with our car
C. Complete with can, can't, could or couldn't
1. Sorry, Janet come to the phone right now. She's sloping
2. Three years ago I
skateboard very well but I
now I need to practise
3. Lee is only ten months old but he
walk I
walk when I was has age.
4. My mum
find any strawberries this morning, so she
make a
strawberry cake now



Ответ дал: doludaanna7



1 A: Could you...

 B: Yes, I could

2. I couldn't draw...

3. I couldn't find....

4. My sister could....    but I couldn't...


1. I can't...

2. A: Can you...

   B: I can.....  but I couldn't

3. brother couldn't...... but now he can

4. We couldn't......


1. Janet can't

2. I could.... but I can't

3. but he can... I couldn't....

4. My mum couldn't..... so she can't


snyrovaelvira29: спасибо большое!!!!!!
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