3. Choose the correct option
2. The children went/were going to bed at 9.00 last night. At 10.00, they slept/were sleeping.
3. He fell over/was falling over in the street when he watched/was watching a video on his mobile phone.
4. She cut/was cutting herself with a sharp knife while she chopped/was chopping carrots for plov.
5. In my childhood, I liked/was liking eating ice cream.
6. When you saw/were seeing me, I went/was going to school.
7. While I surfed/was surfing the Internet yesterday, I found/was finding this wonderful website.
8. When we arrived/were arriving at the theatre, our friends waited/were waiting for us inside.
9. When Madina got/was getting to work, she switched on/was switching on her computer.
10. Did you study/Were you studying when I called/was calling you last night?​


Ответ дал: aslqill

2) were , were sleeping

3) was falling , watched

4) cut , chopped

5) liked

6) were seeing me, was

7) surfed, found

8) were arriving, were waiting

9) was getting, was switching

10) were you studying, when i called

не уверена, надеюсь помогла :3

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