3 ** Complete the text with the words in the box. dining room bathroom living room bedrooms kitchen Holiday flat Come and stay in this beautiful flat next to the sea in Bournemouth! There's a big living room with a very comfortable sofa - you can sit on this and watch DVDs, read or relax. There's also a wonderful ¹ - it's got a new microwave and a washing machine, too. Cook a meal for all your family in here! with big The flat has got a nice 2 windows. You can eat dinner and look at the beach. There are two big 3 - they're both very quiet and you can sleep well here. Next to these two rooms there's an excellent with a big bath and a hot 4 shower. Contact us for more information.
осы дұрыс жауап басып кетіңдер.​



Ответ дал: asydorenko2018





1 kitchen

2 dining room

3 bedrooms

4 bathroom

pelmiratulenbaeva: Бляяя где 5 6 7???
erdauletutepov2000: так их нет..
ademazhumik07: натуре, их нету
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