Rewrite the sentences to add emphasis

1 I really loved the ending.
The thing that ......
2 I found the special effects a bit disappointing.
What .....
3 I didn't like the soundtrack.
One thing that .........
4 The portrayal of the prison wasn't very realistic.
It was ........
5 I enjoyed the song and dance scenes the most.
What ........​


Ответ дал: temmsup


1. The thing that truly captivated me was how much I really loved the ending.

2. What truly let me down were the special effects; I found them a bit disappointing.

3. One thing that truly bothered me was the soundtrack; I didn't like it at all.

4. It was the portrayal of the prison that I found incredibly lacking in realism.

5. What I enjoyed the most were the song and dance scenes; they truly stood out to me.

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