You should open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous tense (in writing).
1) Tony (to think) this rule is easy. 2) My parents (to think) of my future today. 3) His neighbours (to have) a birthday party tonight. 4) James (to have) hot chocolate for breakfast. 5) I (to love) such a cloudy weather today. 6) Now he (to hesitate) in his answers.

Помогите пожалуйста!!​


Ответ дал: varvaramironuk2763


1) Tony  thinks this rule is easy. 2) My parents are  thinking of my future today. 3) His neighbours have a birthday party tonight. 4) James has hot chocolate for breakfast. 5) I love such a cloudy weather today. 6) Now he is hesitating in his answers.


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alinockha63: спасибо большое, очень помогли)
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