B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets. core 1. I think skiing is snowboarding. 2. Angle drives but that doesn't mean that she's (little) careful. 3. John doesn't wake up as as Kimberly because he starts work later (late) than her. players. 5. That was the have ever seenl 6. Tony's old sofa was his new one. 7. Brad isn't as 4. Last year Lee was the player on the team, but this year he's (difficult) than (fast) than Tom, most early (early) brother Keith. 8. Kathy thinks table tennis is the (little) exciting sport. (good) than most of the other (bad) (boring) film I larger (large) than (popular) as his​



Ответ дал: tajkaraevarcil7


big bossur tru are youbig pensil

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