1 Read each sentence in the chart. Decide if it has a more formal or more informal tone. Check (✓) the box in the correct column. 1. You can't afford to buy college books if they're too expensive. 2. Some students cannot afford to purchase books for college if they are too expensive. 3. My friends told me their textbooks cost a bunch of money. 4. The cost of college textbooks can be more than $1,000. 5. A single college textbook may cost more than $100. 6. I paid more than $100 for just one book for school. 7. Some college books are not cheap because they are highly specialized. 8. Some college books aren't cheap because they are super specialized. MORE FORMAL MORE INFORMAL TONE TONE​


Ответ дал: cvbuji

Formal Tone: Sentences 1, 2, 4, and 5 are more formal in tone because they use proper language and structure.

Informal Tone: Sentences 3, 6, and 8 are more informal in tone because they use casual language and a conversational tone.

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