• Предмет: Химия
  • Автор: vlada1l1
  • Вопрос задан 2 месяца назад

рецепт настойки лимонника (для чего и от чего) на латинском СРОЧНО


Ответ дал: gdgdhdzh


Nostoc Commune, commonly known as "лімонник" in Ukrainian, is a type of cyanobacteria. It is often used in traditional medicine for its purported health benefits, primarily for its adaptogenic and immune-boosting properties.

Here's a simple recipe for making a Nostoc Commune infusion:


- Dried Nostoc Commune (лімонник)

- Vodka or alcohol of your choice


1. Take a small amount of dried Nostoc Commune, usually a teaspoon or two, depending on your preference.

2. Place the dried Nostoc Commune in a clean glass container or jar.

3. Pour vodka or alcohol over the Nostoc Commune until it is fully covered.

4. Seal the container or jar with a lid.

5. Store the mixture in a dark and cool place for about 2-4 weeks, shaking it occasionally.

6. After the infusion period, strain the liquid to remove the Nostoc Commune remnants.

Nostoc Commune infusion is traditionally believed to have various health benefits, such as boosting the immune system, increasing vitality, and improving overall well-being. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before using such herbal infusions, as their effectiveness and safety may vary from person to person. Additionally, the usage of alcohol should be done responsibly and in moderation.

Ответ дал: varvaramironuk2763

Ответ: **Nux Vomica Infusum:**


- *Strychnos nux-vomica* (semina limonnici) - 50 g

- *Alcohol* (spiritus) - 500 ml

- *Aqua* (aqua) - 500 ml

- *Saccharum* (saccharum) - secundum gustum (si volueris)

*Modus operandi:*

1. *Strychnos nux-vomica* pulverem faciunt.

2. Pulverem in spiritu infundunt et in loco tenebroso per 2-4 septimanas infundunt.

3. Post infusionem a deposito separant et infusionem filtrant.

4. Aquam ad ebullitionem adducunt et ad temperaturam ambientis refrigerant.

5. Infusionem ex *Strychnos nux-vomica* in aquam addunt et miscent.

6. Secundum gustum, si vis, addas saccharum ad dulcedinem.

7. Infusionem in phialas vitreas fundunt et accurate claudunt.


- Infusum limonnici ad stimulandum digestionem utitur et ad curandum nonnullas neuroses affectiones.

Nota: Strychnos nux-vomica substantias venenosas continet, igitur usus eius cautus et professionaliter moderatus esse debet.


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