2 Check (✔) the sentence in each pair that sounds most academic. 1 a. There are not many scholarship programs at the university. b. There aren't many scholarship programs at the university. 2 a. The tuition's increased several times over the years. b. The tuition has increased several times over the years. 3 a. I think that grants are a great way to pay for education. They really helped me. b. Scholarships are a good way to pay for an education because they can cover up to 100 percent of the tuition. 4 a. The biggest expense many students have in college is books. There are some books that cost more than $100. b. The biggest expense many students have in college is books. At least the books can be interesting sometimes. 5 a. I think that getting an athletic scholarship is difficult because it is hard to be good at sports. b. It can be difficult to obtain an athletic scholarship. Only about two percent of high school athletes receive athletic scholarships. 6 a. When college students buy used books, they often save money. b. You can buy used books if you want to save money in college. 7 a. The academy at York College offers students teaching positions after graduation. b. There's a college that gives people jobs after they finish school. 8 a. There are many affordable colleges in the United States. b. The U.S. definitely has some cheap schools.​


Ответ дал: cvbuji

   b. There aren't many scholarship programs at the university. (Sounds more academic due to the formal tone.)

   b. The tuition has increased several times over the years. (Uses proper verb tense and sounds more formal.)

   b. Scholarships are a good way to pay for an education because they can cover up to 100 percent of the tuition. (Provides specific and detailed information, making it more academic.)

   a. The biggest expense many students have in college is books. There are some books that cost more than $100. (Stays on topic and provides factual information.)

   b. It can be difficult to obtain an athletic scholarship. Only about two percent of high school athletes receive athletic scholarships. (Uses formal language and statistics, making it more academic.)

   a. When college students buy used books, they often save money. (States a fact without unnecessary words.)

   a. The academy at York College offers students teaching positions after graduation. (Sounds more formal and specific.)

   a. There are many affordable colleges in the United States. (Uses neutral language without informal expressions.)

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