Form adjectives from the words in brackets.
1) There are three
stations in operation covering this area.
rooms and restaurants.
(Fashion) hotels offer modern
3) Korean athletes have
(impression) potential.
4) Students must find five
(grammar) errors in the text.
(location) radio
5) People often rely on analyses conducted by
(science) experts.
6) The Government is providing.
(finance) support to low-income families.
7) A.
(humour) article about the
conference was published in the magazine.
9) Who was this.
film directed by?
8) The President congratulated the delegation on
(history) occasion.
10) Alex is the most
his class.
(talk) stude


Ответ дал: dnnsnwnncnsnwjdns


1) Three (stationary) stations are in operation covering this area.

2) (Fashionable) hotels offer modern (fashion-forward) rooms and restaurants.

3) Korean athletes have (impressive) potential.

4) Students must find five (grammatical) errors in the text.

5) People often rely on analyses conducted by (scientific) experts.

6) The Government is providing (financial) support to low-income families.

7) A (humorous) article about the conference was published in the magazine.

8) Who was this (film) directed by?

9) The President congratulated the delegation on this (historic) occasion.

10) Alex is the most (talkative) student in his class.

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