Open the brackets using I conditionals:
1. You ( to pass) your exam if you ( to work) hard. 2. If your brother ( to go ) to Kyiv , he ( to see ) many places of interest . 3. If he ( to get) a ticket , we ( to go ) to the cinema. 4. I ( to come) to see you if you ( to be ) free. 5. We ( to play ) outside if the weather ( to be) fine. 6. If I ( not to manage ) to finish my report today, I ( to stay) at home tomorrow. 7. If he ( not to come) in time , we (to wait) for him. 8.If he( to live) in the south, he ( to bathe) in the sea. 9. As soon as we ( to know ) results, we ( to inform ) you. 10.If you ( not to buy ) coffee , we ( to drink) tea. 11. If the rain ( to stop) , we ( to go ) for a walk.


Ответ дал: yzzqqw
You will pass your exam if you work hard.
If your brother goes to Kyiv, he will see many places of interest.
If he gets a ticket, we will go to the cinema.
I will come to see you if you are free.
We will play outside if the weather is fine.
If I don't manage to finish my report today, I will stay at home tomorrow.
If he doesn't come in time, we will wait for him.
If he lived in the south, he would bathe in the sea.
As soon as we know the results, we will inform you.
If you don't buy coffee, we will drink tea.
If the rain stops, we will go for a walk.
Ответ дал: lisweenv

1. You will pass your exam if you work hard.

2. If your brother goes to Kyiv, he will see many places of interest.

3. If he gets a ticket, we will go to the cinema.

4. I will come to see you if you are free.

5. We will play outside if the weather is fine.

6. If I don't manage to finish my report today, I will stay at home tomorrow.

7. If he doesn't come in time, we will wait for him.

8. If he lives in the south, he will bathe in the sea.

9. As soon as we know the results, we will inform you.

10. If you don't buy coffee, we will drink tea.

11. If the rain stops, we will go for a walk.

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