напишіть імейл про спорт 10 клас з додаванням фразеологізмів і складних структур речень ​


Ответ дал: fristlk


Subject: Enthusiastic Sporting Endeavors - Class 10

Dear Classmates,

I hope this email finds you all in high spirits and good health. As we venture deeper into our academic journey, let us not forget the immense importance of physical activity and sports in our lives, for they truly constitute the epitome of "hitting the ground running" both figuratively and literally.

It is paramount for us to "rise to the occasion" and actively participate in the upcoming sports events. Remember, "practice makes perfect," so let us utilize every opportunity to hone our skills, whether it's "scoring a home run" in baseball or "shooting hoops" on the basketball court.

Together, let's "go the extra mile" and strive for excellence. We must "keep our eye on the ball" and remain focused, for success in sports, much like in academics, requires determination and perseverance. Let us "be in the running" for victory and demonstrate true sportsmanship, always adhering to the age-old adage, "play by the rules."

Lastly, as we "kick off" this sporting season, let us "give it our all" and make our mark on the field. Let's "hit the ground running" as a united team, because "it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game."

Looking forward to a spirited and successful sports season!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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