№ 172
Допиши хвостик разделительного вопроса.
1. You have got five lessons today, ...........................................?
2. He has got a new bike, ............................................?
3.They had porridge for breakfast, ..................................?
4.They must stay at home, ....................................?
5. They had to stay at home, .............................?
6.They had to do the exercise again, .........................................?
7.She had to see the doctor, ..........................................?
8.She had a nice garden, .......................................?
9.She could skate well, .............................?
10.She was buse, ..........................................?
                                               № 173
Напиши правильный вариант.
1. She got up at 5 o'clock. She felt .......................................(terrible / terribly)
2. He sings very ....................................(good / well) but he can't play the piano.
3. she is such a ............................................(polite / politely) gurl.
4. She alwayes speaks ........................................(polite / politely) to everybody.
5. What is wrong? Your voice sounds ..............................(unusual / unusually).
6. She ran as ...............................(quick / quickly) as she could.
7. I have never had such a ...........................(nice / nicely) bike.
8. Your bike looks .................(nice / nicely).
9. The test is .........................(easy / easily).
10. You can do it ........................(easy / easily).


Ответ дал: semyonova771
172. 1haven't you? 2 hasn't he? 3 didn't they? 4. mustn't they? 5 didn't they? 6.hadn'tthey? 7. hadn't she? 8. didn't she? 9. couldn't she? 10. wasn't she?
1. terribly, 2. well. 3. polite, 4. politely, 5. unusually 6. quickly 7. nice 8. nicely 9. easy 10 easily 
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